Looking For A Dealer With Our Verifier, Clarifier or Aperture Tools?
Note: Apertures, Clarifiers and Verifiers are permanently installed in Dealer Tools.

Aperture Tool
Aperture Tool
SKU #719-746
- Aperture Tool, has all 6 Aperture hole sizes. *Note, the 5/32″ Aperture hole size is only available on the Podium Peep™ Apertures.
- For selecting the correct Aperture size.

Clarifier Tool
SKU #746-123
- Clarifier Tool, has all 5 Clarifier powers installed.
- For selecting the correct Clarifier power.

Verifier Tool
Verifier Tool
SKU #753-20
- Verifier Tool, has all 6 Verifier powers installed.
- For selecting the correct Verifier power.
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